Opinion | The Case for, and Against, Climate Optimism
Last week, freezing temperatures overwhelmed the Texas power grid, setting off rolling blackouts that left millions without power during an intense winter storm.
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Last week, freezing temperatures overwhelmed the Texas power grid, setting off rolling blackouts that left millions without power during an intense winter storm.
The Senate confirmed Jennifer M. Granholm to be energy secretary on Thursday, positioning the former governor of Michigan to play a key role
new video loaded: Granholm Sworn In as Energy Secretary transcript Back transcript Granholm Sworn In as Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm on Thursday
At the same time, across the Arctic, permafrost is thawing, raising alarms that the warming ground could release an enormous cocktail of greenhouse
More fierce and frequent fires are reducing forest density and tree size and may damage forests’ ability to capture carbon in the future,
Ahora, el gobierno de Biden está revirtiendo explícitamente esa posición. El 12 de febrero, los funcionarios de los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración,
The most common mistake in politics is to believe there is some level of suffering that will force responsible governance. There isn’t. We
Taxing carbon dioxide emissions would be popular with voters, polling suggests, as the government moots ways to put a price on carbon that
Australian bosses say the climate crisis is the biggest challenge facing their businesses – in contrast to their overseas counterparts, who have ranked
The first UN climate change conference was held in 1995 in Berlin. More than two decades later, our planet remains on track for