Average westerner’s eating habits lead to loss of four trees every year | Deforestation
The average western consumer of coffee, chocolate, beef, palm oil and other commodities is responsible for the felling of four trees every year,
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The average western consumer of coffee, chocolate, beef, palm oil and other commodities is responsible for the felling of four trees every year,
When the Czech government announced it was taking Poland to Europe’s highest court it came as a surprise to Warsaw. After all, EU
Private Ashley Jones of the Australian defence emergency support team joins NSW Rural Fire Service personnel in helping residents with clean-up tasks at
Sign up for the Guardian’s First Thing newsletter The Biden administration is moving to sharply increase offshore wind energy along the US east
Much of the Biden plan involves harnessing the federal government to help states meet existing targets like those of New York and New
Wind power more than tripled in the last decade, and now generates nearly 8 percent of the nation’s electricity. Solar power, which generated
The Biden administration will investigate Trump-era political interference in science across the government, the first step in what White House officials described as
A race has begun to prevent one of the most spectacular fireplaces in the UK from crumbling because of the increase in heavy
Slipping into the chilly waters of the Baltic sea, the divers descended more than 60 metres to where the masts of the Jönköping
Boris Johnson’s government must take the lead in giving poor countries access to the finance they need to tackle the climate crisis, to