More than half of Europe’s cities still plagued by dirty air, report finds | Air pollution
More than half of European cities are still plagued by dirty air, new data shows, despite a reduction in traffic emissions and other
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More than half of European cities are still plagued by dirty air, new data shows, despite a reduction in traffic emissions and other
Labor’s resources spokeswoman, Madeleine King, is launching a full-throated defence of Australia’s gas industry, including supporting opening up new reserves “subject to independent
Around the world, women are demanding power, and exercising it, in unprecedented ways. Women are leading at the highest levels of government and
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You may have heard: Drought is gripping the American West, again, and it’s looking bad. To help readers understand just how dire conditions
In his classic book, The Logic of Collective Action, the late great Mancur Olson explained that the hardest policies to implement are those
As temperatures rise to unseasonably warm levels across Texas this week, its citizens are being asked to use less energy on basics like
The language around the climate crisis, the journalist Anne Karpf writes in How Women Can Save the Planet, can conceal as much as
The Morrison government is attempting to stare down the Senate over changes to conservation laws, warning the wording of controversial new environment standards
Households on low incomes should be supplied with free heat pumps in order to kickstart the market for low-carbon heating equipment and meet